Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Georgia's Birthday

We celebrated Georgia's birthday with a lobster dinner at the Waterfront Cafe in San Francisco with her sister Yvonne and her husband John.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Garden Harvest, Read Tomatoes

This past week we had to pick tomatoes and share with our neighbors. Pictured here are the plants and one day's pickings.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beach Week in Southern California

On July 22, 2009 we went to Rancho Cucamonga to see grandson Kellen's last day of swim lessons. On the weekend we went with Melissa, Keith, Kellen, and Cairn to Oceanside for a week on the beach. We had rented a house right on the beach and spent 7 lovely days listening to the surf. Side trips were to Sea World with a lunch with Shamu and lunch at Ruby's Cafe, a 50's diner, on Oceanside pier.