Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Melissa's Visit and Birthday

Our daughter, Melissa, came up for a visit over the weekend. We went to the wine country for a picnic on Saturday the 18th and then celebrated her birthday at Horizons on the Sausalito waterfront on Sunday. We were joined by Yvonne and John, Georgia's sister and her husband. Beautiful evening and dinner.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Narcissa Schall is 99

This September 17th, Mom celebrated her 99th birthday. Brothers Dave and Jim were with her and my older brother Roy and I both sent flowers. One more year and she gets a letter from the president.

Grandson Cairn's First Swin Lessons

Hugh went to Southern California and flew back with our grandson, Cairn for his first "Camp GG and Papa Hugh". During his stay we had him signed up for his first swim lessons. He has always tried to imitate his big brother, Kellen, so he was a natural at swimming. After three lessons, he was swimming for about 12 feet. Quite an accomplishment for a 2 1/2 year old.