Monday, August 13, 2012

Grandson Cairn's "Camp GG & Papa Hugh

Earlier in August Melissa, Keith, and family flew to Cleveland for a Church family reunion.  Since grandson Cairn is not fond of flying at this stage in his young life, Melissa and Keith let Cairn stay with us for "Camp GG & Papa Hugh.  We had a full week of events, including swim lessons, day camp at the Rolling Hills Club, and trips to the Discovery Museum, Marine Mammal Center, the California Academy of Science and the Train Museum in Sacramento.  After his swim lessons, Cairn was awarded the "Frog" level certificate for his swimming abilities.  We had a wonderful time and think Cairn did.

Pictured are:  Cairn receiving his "Frog" award, Playing with trains at the California Train Museum, Cairn at the dining car in the Train Museum, Cairn after another busy day, and Cairn with Lucy, YY and John's new lab.

Cairn receiving his "Frog" swimming award

At the California State Train Museum in Sacramento

Cairn in a Dining car at California Train Museum

After a busy day on the road

Cairn and Lucy

Thursday, August 9, 2012

45th Wedding Anniversary

On Saturday July 28th, we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary.  For the celebration, we hired a limo to take us and members of our wedding party to the Depot Hotel in Sonoma for dinner.  Champagne flowed on the way to the restaurant and at the restaurant besides wonderful food, we enjoyed a variety of red and white wines picked for the occasion. 

Our actual anniversary date was Sunday, the 29th, but with the celebration and the fact that some of the party had to work on Monday, we celebrated the occasion early on Saturday night. 

Joining us in the festivities were:  Yvonne Young and her husband, John Park (Yvonne was Georgia's Maid of Honor), Meme Hurd and her friend, Gene Bomotti, (Meme was one of Georgia's bridesmaids), and Jake Skaer (Jake's wife, Pam, was also one of Georgia's bridesmaids.  We miss Pam, as she  passed away three years ago after a courageous struggle with breast cancer.) 

Below are pictures of the wedding party in the limo, arriving at the Depot Hotel, and at dinner.
From left to right: Hugh, Georgia, Jake Skaer, Gene Bomotti, and Meme Hurd

From left to right: Hugh, Georgia, Yvonne, John, Jake, Gene and Meme
From left to right: John, Hugh, Meme, Jake, Gene, Georgia and Yvonne