Friday, March 30, 2018

Rancho Cucamonga Visit

After we left Palm Desert in March, we visited with our daughter's family in Rancho Cucamonga.  While there we had lunch with Georgia's cousin Nada and her husband, Galen, and watched Melissa go on one of her weekly horse riding trips. Here are pictures of the visit:

 Lunch with Nada and Galen at Bardot in Claremont

 Melissa Brushing Down the Horse Before Riding

 Coming Out of the Stall

Melissa Heading Out

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Cairn's 10th Birthday in Palm Desert

We spent two weeks in Palm Desert in March and during our stay, grandsons, Cairn and Lain joined us for a birthday celebration for Cairn's 10th birthday.  Time was spent shopping for something Cairn would like, stuffing animals, and of course, pool time.  Attached are pictures of the pool time:

 Cairn and Stuffed Tiger

 Lain After Extensive Pool Time

Cairn on the Water Slide