Friday, April 11, 2014

Lain Turns 3 and Graduates from "Toddler Class"

While we were returning from a month in the desert, we stopped in Rancho Cucamonga to celebrate Lain's birthday (a little early) and to see him graduate from "Toddler Class".   At the age of three, children in Lain's class with disabilities leave the "Toddler Class" and start a more rigorous program at another school, where he will be in class for three hours a day.  Below are some pictures of the birthday party and his "Toddler Class" graduation:

 Lain Eyeing His Birthday Cake

 This Cake Is Good

 The Graduate

 The Graduate #2

 Reading The Proof

 Graduation Cup Cake

The Sheep's Skin

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dave, Debbie, and Kristi in the Desert

On March 27th brother Dave, Sister-in-Law, Debbie, and their daughter, Kristi, came to visit us in our rental home in Rancho Mirage for five days after spending several days at a "Dude Ranch" in Arizona.  The itinerary for their visit included the "Living Desert" for both the Bird Exhibit and to Bungy Jump, shopping on "El Paseo", going up the Palm Springs Tram, golf in a sand storm, and many hours in the pool.

 Dave, Debbie, & Kristi at the "White Stallion" Dude Ranch

 Kristi at the "Living Desert bird Exhibit

 Debbie at the "Living Desert" Bird Exhibit

 Kristi Bungy Jumping

 Pool Time in Rancho Mirage

 Dave & Debbie Playing Golf in a Sand Storm

Melissa & Keith Playing Golf in a Sand Storm

Dave & Kristi on the Viewing Platform at the Top of the Palm Springs Tram