Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2009 Christmas Card Picture

This year's Christmas card picture is taken from our annual beach week in July. It is a family picture taken at Ocenaside, California, where we had rented a beach front condo. The picture shows our daughter Melissa, son-in-law Keith, Grandsons Kellen and Cairn, Georgia and me. The runner up picture is of Cairn pulling a "boogie board" across the beach, hoping to get in the water.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wild Lights

On the day after Thanksgiving, the Living Desert in Palm Desert creats a festival of lights for the Christmas season. This year we took Melissa, Keith, Kellen and Cairn to the light show. Melissa and Kellen faux skated on a plywood rink covered with a hard wax. The grandsons had smores and played basketball with the hoops that were set up for evening play. It was a lovely start to the holiday season.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saturday in Hollywood

On Saturday, November 21st, Melissa, Keith, Georgia and I with grandsons Kellen and Cairn went to the LA Zoo and then on to Micelli's Italian restaurant. the restaurant is famous because all of the servers also sing. Sometimes opera, but when we were there they were singing in a cabaret style with a piano player. Notice that grandson Cairn is pleasantly surprised.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November in Southern California

On October 30th, we drove to Southern California to Loma Linda Medical Center. We came here so that Hugh could receive "Proton Radiation" treatments for his prostate. We have rented an apartment in Redlands, California, a lovely town about 60 miles east of Los Angeles. It is also about 20 minutes from our daughter's and son-in-law's home in Rancho Cucamonga. Hugh is to get 20 treatments and we should be heading home in early December. While here we have enjoyed going with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons to "Sea World", watching the "trick or treating", celebrating Kellen's 7th birthday, and enjoyed grandson Kellen's Thanksgiving program. On November 1st, the grandsons actually "trick or treated" at Sea World". That was a surprise.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Santa Fe Reunion

At the end of September, we traveled to Santa Fe for Hugh's 47th reunion of the "Class of 1963" Terrible 10th Company Survivors. While there we explored the Pueblo ruins that were in the area.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Aspinwall High School Class of 1959 Reunion

I made a video from the pictures that my classmates sent to me from our 50th reunion over Labor day 2009.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pre-halloween Spooky Tee Shirts

Kellen and Cairn show off their new spooky tee shirts

Friday, September 18, 2009

Melissa is 40!!!

The weekend of September 11, 2009, daughter, Melissa, Keith, Kellen & Cairn flew up to Novato to celebrate Melissa's 40th birthday.

Cairn Church Baptism

On August 30, 2009 we attended the baptism of grandson Carin B Church. the service was conducted at Lake Tahoe with water from the lake. His great uncle Henry officiated at the service.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Georgia's Birthday

We celebrated Georgia's birthday with a lobster dinner at the Waterfront Cafe in San Francisco with her sister Yvonne and her husband John.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Garden Harvest, Read Tomatoes

This past week we had to pick tomatoes and share with our neighbors. Pictured here are the plants and one day's pickings.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beach Week in Southern California

On July 22, 2009 we went to Rancho Cucamonga to see grandson Kellen's last day of swim lessons. On the weekend we went with Melissa, Keith, Kellen, and Cairn to Oceanside for a week on the beach. We had rented a house right on the beach and spent 7 lovely days listening to the surf. Side trips were to Sea World with a lunch with Shamu and lunch at Ruby's Cafe, a 50's diner, on Oceanside pier.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Camp GG& Papa Hugh and the 4th Celebration

We had our grandson, Kellen for a week and then on the 2nd, Melissa, Keith and their other son joined us for the celebrations.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

John Park is 65

On Saturday, June 13th, we spent the day at Pardise Park on San Francisco Bay celebrating, Georgia's brother-in-law, John Park's 65th birthday with family. The day included fishing from the pier, great food, and a beautiful day.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

May Trip to Southern California/Tucson

In May we went to Rancho Cucamonga to spend Mother's Day with Melissa and her family. Then it was on the Tucson for some R&R. Then back to Southern California for a triple birthday celebration for Hugh, Hugh's brother, Roy and Roy's wife, Mary Martha.