Saturday, November 21, 2009

November in Southern California

On October 30th, we drove to Southern California to Loma Linda Medical Center. We came here so that Hugh could receive "Proton Radiation" treatments for his prostate. We have rented an apartment in Redlands, California, a lovely town about 60 miles east of Los Angeles. It is also about 20 minutes from our daughter's and son-in-law's home in Rancho Cucamonga. Hugh is to get 20 treatments and we should be heading home in early December. While here we have enjoyed going with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons to "Sea World", watching the "trick or treating", celebrating Kellen's 7th birthday, and enjoyed grandson Kellen's Thanksgiving program. On November 1st, the grandsons actually "trick or treated" at Sea World". That was a surprise.

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