Sunday, January 30, 2011

Australia's Blue Mountains

Yesterday we traveled west from Sydney 60 miles to see the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains are about 3,000 feet high and separate the coastal plain around Sydney and central Australia. Enroute we stopped at a wildlife park and saw some of Autralia's wildlife. While there we saw a mother kangroo with a "joey" in her pouch and were pictured with a Koala.

The second picture displayed is of Georgia playing the "didgeridoo". The didgeridoo is an instrument that is made out of a gum tree branch, which has had the center removed my termites. It was one of the instruments used by the aboriginal people. To the right of Georgia in the picture is a termite mound.

The last two pictures are of the Blue Mountains showing the falls at the "Grand Canyon" and of the "Three sisters" rock formation.

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