Friday, May 20, 2011

Southern California Visit

With the birth of Lain Church, Georgia and I went to Southern California on April 13, 2011 and stayed until may 21, 2011, to help the family get settled in with Lain.

During this time besides helping with getting everyone settled, we celebrated Mothers Day with a family brunch at Walter's in Claremont, I celebrated my 70th birthday at Melissa's and Keith's home, we saw grandson Kellen's Award Assembly, where he received an award for "Celebrating Core Values Each Day" and played his recorder with his class, and had lunch with one of Gerogia's sorority sisters, who flew in from Santa Barbara. 

Pictured are grandson Kellen at his tennis lesson, Sue and John Grube and Georgia and Sue Grube (Sue was a sorority sister of Georgia's at UC Santa Barbara, and they flew in in their small plane.), Georgia with grandsons, Kellen and Cairn on an airplane, Lain with the quilt Georgia made for him and Kellen playing his recorder. 

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