Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break, Skiing at Lake Tahoe

March 15th, we rented a house at Tahoe Donner, and Melissa, Keith, Kellen, Cairn, and Lain joined us for six days of skiing.  We also celebrated Cairn's 5th birthday on March 16th at the "Burger Me" restaurant in Truckee. 

After a warm up day at Tahoe Donner ski area, we spent the next four days at Northstar and Squaw Valley.  Cairn, who was transitioning to being 5, kept saying that we were skiing at "Squid Valley". 

Below are pictures of all of us during the week:

Kellen & Cairn at Tahoe Donner

Melissa & Kellen at Tahoe Donner

Cairn's Birthday Dinner at "Burger Me"

Georgia, Melissa, Kellen, & Keith at Northstar

Cairn at Squaw Valley

Hugh & Kellen at Squaw Valley

Hugh & Kellen
"Is it really spring at Squaw Valley"

Group Photo on the Deck
Lain relaxing in the tub at Tahoe Donner

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