Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The last stop on our cruise up the Danube was in Prague.  Prague is not on the Danube, but we were bussed three hours from Ragensburg to  Prague.  Prague's old city was both remarkable and crowded.  The highlights of the visit were a dinner in the Royal Palace, visiting the Strahov monastery library with books dating back to the ninth century, seeing the astronomical clock in operation, and doing an underground tour of the buildings under the municipal office building. 

Prague Old Town Square
Astronomical Clock in Prague

Prague Old Town Municipal Meeting Building
Georgia & Hugh In the Old Town Square
Strahov Monastery Library with Books Back the Ninth Century

Strahov Monastery Library
 Strahov Monastery Library

City Office Building Heating System

Three Meters Under the Municipal Office Building

Under the Municipal Office Building

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