Wednesday, January 29, 2014


After leaving the "Road to California Quilt Show" on January 26th, we took Melissa, Keith, and grandsons, Kellen, Cairn, and Lain, to Disneyland.  We arrived for dinner, where each of the boys got balloons treats.  The next day we spent the first half of the day at "The California Adventure Park" and the remaining of the day at the "Disneyland Park".  We started the day, taking Melissa, Cairn, and Lain to the Storybook Cafe to meet some of the Disney characters before going to the parks.  Below are some pictures of dinner on the 26th, Cairn and Lain at the Storybook Cafe breakfast on the 27th, and Lain watching the parade at the end of the day on the 27th.

Lain at Dinner with his Mickey Mouse Balloon

Cairn at Dinner with his Balloon Lasso

Kellen at Dinner with a Balloon Hockey Helmet 

Lain with a Chipmunk

Cairn and Lain

Cairn with a Skunk

Lain at the Closing Parade


Lain & Melissa

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