Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dorset, England

We drove to Dorset on the 15th. Enroute we stopped at the Tintinhull gardens, which are a beautiful two acre garden that is in the National Trust. After spending about an hour at the gardens, we drove to our hotel, "The Summer Lodge" in the villege of Evershot, again beautiful gardens, indoor pool, and wonderful food. After relaxing for the day, on the 17th we went into Sherborne to see the Abby, tour the Sherborne Castle of Sir Walter Raleigh fame, and explore the town. The pictures below are of the gardens at Tintinhull, Villege of Evershot, the Summer Lodge and its grounds, and the Sherborne Abby, Sherborne Castle and the castle grounds. Today we go to Heathrow to overnight and tomorrow fly home.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Devon, England

We left Bath and traveled to Devon and stayed at a lovely hotel called Gidleigh Park. In route we stopped in and visited Exeter and saw the old city walls and the beautiful cathedral. Gidleigh Park is located in a wooded area with lovely gardens. Getting there is a bit of an adventure, in that the roads are only one lane and you get to know "reverse" quite well. On the 13th we drove to the town of Padstow, located on the Atlantic coast in Cornwall. We then went to the see the gardens at Lanhydrock, a stately mansion a bit inland. I hope the photos below of Exeter, Gidleigh Park hotel and gardens, Padstow waterfront, and Lanhydrock Manor gardens due justice to all.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bath, England

We arrived in Bath after flying to the UK from Istambul. Bath is a lovely town of about 80,000 people known for the old Roman baths that were in the town. The baths are fed by a hot spring that is still working today. Besides seeing the baths, we went to the Jane Austin center, and saw a art exhibit of Kaffe Fassett in the American museum of England at the University of Bath. On our second day in Bath, we hired a car and went to the fameous "Stonehenge". Our hotel was the Bath Priory and had lovely gardens as you will see in the pictures below. In addition there are pictures of the River Avon flowing through Bath where the water from the Roman baths flows, and pictures of Stonehenge, a prehistoric druid site. One of the pictures of Stonehenge shows the alignment of the stones to concur with the summer and winter solstices.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nessebur, Bulgaria

Nessebur, Bulgaria was a surprise for us on this trip.  It is an old city that has now become a sea side resort with over 80 hotels in the new beach areas of the city, kind of a Miami Beach-Black Sea resort.  We walked the approximately 40 acre site of the old Greek/Roman old city and saw the numerous churches. We then bussed across a causeway to the new part of the city to do some wine tasting.  We found the Bulgarian wines more to our liking in that they were dryer and the reds had more body to them. 

 Rebuilt Roman Church in Nessebur's Old City
 City Square in the Old City

 Another Rebuilt Church in the Old City
 Church Ruins in the Old City
 Izbata Winery Tasting Room
 Izbata Winery Cask Room

Constanta, Romania

Leaving Russia we sailed for about 36 hours to get to Constantia, Romania.  Constantia is where the Danube River enters the Black Sea, so we took a boat ride through the delta area the first day we were there.  The second day, we did sight seeing around Ovidius Square in the old Roman part of the city, visited the architectural museum, and then went to a local winery to taste some Romanian wines.  The Romanians seem to like sweeter wines, that are on the lighter side.  Most of Romania is Roman Catholic with large populations of Orthodox Christians and Muslims.  Some snap shots of Romania are below:

 Danube River Waterfront in the Delta with a Local Mosque Shown
 A Non-motorized Ferry Crossing the Danube at the Delta Area
 One of the Danube River Flows in the Delta Area
 Constanta's Ovidius Square in the Old Roman Part of the City
 St. Peter's and St. Paul's Church in the Old Roman Part of the City
 Wine Tasting Table Set Up
Georgia & Hugh in a Romanian Vineyard

Sochi, Russia

After leaving Trapazon, Turkey, we sailed into Sochi, Russia, home of the 2014 Winter Olympics. We found the city's public areas very beautiful and quite clean.  After walking along the water front area, we traveled to a tea plantation in the near by hills.  Here we enjoyed refreshments, including some wonderful Russian tea and some local dancers in traditional costumes.  Nothing was said about the conflicts with the situation in the Ukraine, except a comment by our guide that dealing on a personal basis we seem to get along well.  It is the people in government that can't work together.  Below are some lovely pictures of our stay:

Sochi's First Public Library

 Walkway Along The Waterfront Area
 Russian Bear Carving at the Tea Plantation
 Russian Tea House