Monday, June 16, 2014

Bath, England

We arrived in Bath after flying to the UK from Istambul. Bath is a lovely town of about 80,000 people known for the old Roman baths that were in the town. The baths are fed by a hot spring that is still working today. Besides seeing the baths, we went to the Jane Austin center, and saw a art exhibit of Kaffe Fassett in the American museum of England at the University of Bath. On our second day in Bath, we hired a car and went to the fameous "Stonehenge". Our hotel was the Bath Priory and had lovely gardens as you will see in the pictures below. In addition there are pictures of the River Avon flowing through Bath where the water from the Roman baths flows, and pictures of Stonehenge, a prehistoric druid site. One of the pictures of Stonehenge shows the alignment of the stones to concur with the summer and winter solstices.

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