Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beach Week in Coronado, California

On July 25th we drove Cairn home to Alta Loma. After two days in Rancho Cucamonga, on the 27th we took the whole family to Coronado for our annual week on the beach. While in Coronado, we took grandson Lain to the San Diego zoo, saw grandson Cairn get his first surfing experience, saw grandson Kellen advance his surfing skills, and on July 29th celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary at Oceans 1500 at the Del Coronado Hotel. The surprise of the trip was that our niece, Nicole Martinez, decided to get married in Las Vegas the day we left the beach, so we drove to Las Vegas for the 7:00 PM wedding and celebrations. Below are pictures of Lain at the zoo, Georgia & I at our anniversary dinner, Georgia and Lain on the Beach, Cairn and Kellen surfing, and our newly wed niece, Nicole and her husband, Juan.

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