Sunday, June 28, 2015

Grandson Cairn Visits

Every summer we take both of our older grandsons for a week visit, called Camp GG & Papa Hugh. This year after we returned from Washington with our oldest grandson, Kellen, his family joined us to see the play "Peter Pan" on Mount Tamalpais. After the play, we all spent three days at Lake Tahoe enjoying the lake at Kings Beach. When our daughter, son-in-law and other grandsons left for home, Cairn returned with us to Novato for Camp GG & Papa Hugh. High on his list of things to do that week were going to tennis camp, taking a train ride to Sacramento to see the California Train Museum, swimming, and going to the San Francisco zoo. We were able to accomplish all of these items and go for a bike ride in Tiberon to see the antique car show. On June 26th I flew to Southern California with him so that he could rejoin this family after a great week. Here are pictures of his camp:
Cairn Meets Some of the Pirates in Peter Pan
Cairn Boarding the "Capitol Corridor" Train in Martinez, Ca.
Cairn Having Lunch on the Deck at Sam's Café in Tiberon
Cairn at the Tiberon Antique Car Show
Cairn at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Annapolis, Baltimore, and Washington, DC

On June 6th, Georgia and I flew our oldest grandson, Kellen, to the East Coast for a trip to the Naval Academy, and to see the capitol. Also included was a side trip to Baltimore to visit our niece, Emily and her fiancé, Kris Hall. One of the high lights of the trip was a bicycle tour of the monuments on the mall. Below are some pictures of our visit:
Hugh & Kellen at Bancroft Hall, USNA
Lunch in Baltimore's Inner Harbor
Georgia, Kellen, Emily, & Kris at Baltimore
Georgia & Kellen on the Mall in DC
Georgia & Kellen on Bike Tour
Hugh & Kellen at the WW II Memorial
Hugh & Kellen at the Vietnam Soldier Memorial
Georgia & Kellen on the Mall