Saturday, June 20, 2015

Annapolis, Baltimore, and Washington, DC

On June 6th, Georgia and I flew our oldest grandson, Kellen, to the East Coast for a trip to the Naval Academy, and to see the capitol. Also included was a side trip to Baltimore to visit our niece, Emily and her fiancé, Kris Hall. One of the high lights of the trip was a bicycle tour of the monuments on the mall. Below are some pictures of our visit:
Hugh & Kellen at Bancroft Hall, USNA
Lunch in Baltimore's Inner Harbor
Georgia, Kellen, Emily, & Kris at Baltimore
Georgia & Kellen on the Mall in DC
Georgia & Kellen on Bike Tour
Hugh & Kellen at the WW II Memorial
Hugh & Kellen at the Vietnam Soldier Memorial
Georgia & Kellen on the Mall

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