Friday, July 20, 2018

Halifax, NS and St. John, NB

After visiting the Alexander Graham Bell Museum, we ventured to Halifax to see the city and its waterfront boardwalk and weekend farmer's market.  We enjoyed several great meals there including one at the "Bicycle Thief" restaurant.  The restaurant is named after the 1949 foreign film of the same name.  The owners of the restaurant loved the movie.

After leaving Halifax, we drove to St. John to see the Bay of Fundy and the reversible falls on the St. John river.  The tides are so high at St John, that the river actually reverses flow as the tidal surge overcomes the river's current.  Then at low tide, all of the water that has damned up in the river due to the high tide comes roaring back into the bay.

Here are some of our pictures:

 Halifax Saturday Farmers Market

 Bicycle Thief Restaurant Sculpture

St. John's River Flow into the Bay of Fund at Low Tide

Flow from the Bay of Fundy into the St. John's River at High Tide

Flow from the Bay of Fundy into the St. John's River at High Tide

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