Saturday, January 26, 2019

Holidays in Southern California

Just before Christmas, we traveled to Southern California to spend Christmas with Melissa, Keith, and their family and then took Lain, our youngest grandson, to Palm Desert.  Melissa and our other grandsons then joined us for New Years.  We returned home on January 4th, only to go back to Southern California over Martin Luther King holiday to babysit Lain, again in the desert and go to the "Road to California" quilt show.

Here are some pictures of our visits:

 The Grandsons with their New PJs on Christmas Day

 Lain at The Desert Willows

 Georgia, Hugh, & Cairn on New Year's Eve

 Melissa on New Year's Eve

 Melissa at the Lorikeet Exhibit at the Living Desert

 Kellen and Cairn at the Lorikeet Exhibit

 Quilt at the "Road to California" Quilt Show

 Quilt at the "Road to California" Quilt Show

Quilt at the "Road to California" Quilt Show

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