Monday, June 1, 2020

Two and a Half Months of Stay at Home

Here in Northern California, we went into a "Stay at Home" order on March 16th and have been at it since then.   Time has been filled with quilting for Georgia and gardening for me.  In between, we try to exercise at least every other day.  Because of not going out, we are both in need of haircuts.  Mine is generally short, and I never realized how curly my hair is. 

Other than that we stay in touch with family with "zoom" meetings.  Here are some pictures of our "stay at home" experience:

 First Zoom Meeting with Masks Required

Crazy Hat Zoom Meeting

 More Crazy Hats

 One of Our Garden Projects

 The Backyard

 More Back Yard

I am not sure if I am "Curly, Moe, or Larry, but I need a haircut

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