Wednesday, October 30, 2013

USNA Class of 1963 50th Reunion

On October 23, Georgia & I flew to Annapolis for my 50th college class reunion.  The weekend was filled with a dinner at Bill & Jennifer Earner's home, a gathering of some of the members of the undefeated 1960 plebe crew (We placed 4th in the 1960 Olympic trials and were only beaten that year by our own varsity, who represented the US in Rome; California, the IRA champions; and a good Syracuse alumni boat), a company dinner at the Earner's home, a Friday Brigade parade, a class banquet, the Navy-Pitt football game (Navy won with a field goal with one second left), and a company Sunday brunch, also at the Earner's home. We returned home on Monday after a fabulous week. 

Here are some of the weekend's pictures:
First Class Year Roommates
 (I am on the left.  Admiral Bill Earner is in the center. and Walt Ruland is on the right.)
 Five Members of the 1960 Undefeated Plebe Crew
 Members of the 8th Company

 Georgia & Hugh at the "Class of 1963" shell
Pipes and Drums at the Friday Parade

"Brigade March On" at the Pitt-Navy Football Game

  Members of the 8th Company, who were nuclear qualified submarine officers.

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