Friday, July 20, 2018

Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddick, NS

Alexander Graham Bell lived a good part of his life in Baddick, NS.  Known for inventing the telephone, he also built the first airplane to fly in Canada.  The plane was the "Silver Dart", and it flew in 1909.  It was copied from the Wright Brothers plane that flew four years earlier.  

In addition, he designed hydrofoils.  The HD-4 held the world's speed record for water craft with a speed of 71 mph.  It was made of wood and had two airplane propeller drives on it.  We visited the museum on our way from Cape Breton to Halifax.

Below are some pictures of the museum in Baddick and of the "Silver Dart" and HD-4 hydrofoil.

Georgia at the entrance to the Alexander Graham Bell museum.

 The "Silver Dart

 HD-4 Hydrofoil

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