Thursday, January 29, 2015

Road to California Quilt Show, Ontario, California

On January 17th, we drove to Ontario for the "Road to California Quilt Show". Since Georgia is an avid quilter, it has become an annual event for us. This year we went a little bit early so we could watch our grandsons while their parents went off for several days to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Entertaining the grandsons was made easy in that both Kellen and Cairn love to skate and play hockey. With Monday the 19th being a holiday, the ice rink had a free skate period all afternoon so we let them work of some of that youthful energy. In addition, Kellen and Cairn received new bike shirts so that they would be more visible when riding their bikes. Below are some pictures of Kellen and Cairn in their new shirts and some of the beautiful quilts that were on display at the quilt show:

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