Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wine Country Face Off

Our grandson, Kellen, is playing hockey in a league in Southern California. His team, California Wave "B", traveled to Santa Rosa on February 12th for the "Wine Country Face Off" tournament. He stayed with us, and we got to see his game on Friday, the 13, and on Saturday, the 14th. Late Saturday, Melissa, Keith, Cairn, and Lain came up and all of the family was with us. On Sunday Kellen had two games that all of the family went to except for Lain, who stayed with Georgia and me. The Wave played well, however after some close games, the Wave came out on the short end. After the tournament on President's Day, we all enjoyed the beautiful weather and went for a picnic in Belvedere. We followed the picnic by hosting a dinner for Melissa, Keith, the three grandsons, Georgia's sister and her husband,and an old family friend, Jake Skaer. Below are some pictures showing Kellen playing. The last picture is of Lain on Sunday night right after his last mouthful of spaghetti and no afternoon nap. It gave Georgia and I some quiet time to finish our dinners.

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