Sunday, October 15, 2017

Terrible 10th Company Reunion

Every year all of the members of the 10th Company, Class of 1963 from the US Naval Academy get together for a reunion.  This year Rick and Lynn Kleinfeldt hosted the gathering in Dayton, Ohio.  During the early 1900s, Dayton was the center of innovation in the United States.  The most important invention to come from Dayton at that time was the Wright Brother's airplane.  However, it wasn't the only thing.  There were about 16 auto manufacturers in the area.  NCR started in Dayton  and NCR established health care for all of its workers.  This was long before Keiser did for the ship workers in Oakland during WWII.  In fact the US patient office was located in the area due to the number of patient applications. 

AS a day trip, we went to Cincinnati for a visit to the Krohn Conservatory and had a riverboat cruise and dinner.

Here are some pictures of the reunion:

 The Carousel of Innovation at Carillon Park, Dayton

 10th Company Attendees on the Carousel
The Original Wright Airplane at Carillon Park

 Hugh on a Flying Model of the Wright "B" Flyer

Waterfall at Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati, Ohio

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