Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013 Beach Week at the Del Coronado Hotel

On Saturday July 27th, Georgia & I traveled to Rancho Cucamonga in Southern California.  The next day we, along with Melissa, Keith, and grandsons (Kellen, Cairn, and Lain), drove to San Diego for a week on the beach in Coronado, California.  The weather was typical San Diego with a marine layer until about 11 AM then it would burn off.  Our days were spent on the beach with Kellen taking several surfing lessons, and Cairn enjoying some days at kid's camp at the hotel. 

Other adventures included a trip with Lain to the San Diego zoo, while the remaining members of his family went to Sea World.  During our stay, our nephew, David Schall, who was touring with a band, ended up in San Diego and joined us for a wonderful day at the beach and a dinner celebration at Oceans 1500 restaurant.  Part of the celebration was that Georgia and I celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary on the 29th.  The only draw back to the week was the last three days, when the stomach flu went through all of us.  How about going to the beach and loosing five pounds! 

Below are some pictures of the vacation:

Kellen and Cairn buried in the sand 
Cousin David Schall and the "Beach Boys"

David leads Cairn to the Sea for some "boogie boarding"
Georgia takes a group shot of us with David in our hotel room.


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