Thursday, September 5, 2013

Georgia Celebrates entering a New Decade

The weekend of August 23th, Georgia celebrated her birthday, as she entered a new decade.  The celebrations began on August 23rd.   Our daughter, Melissa, and oldest grandson, Kellen, flew in from Southern California and we hosted a dinner for them, Georgia's sister, Yvonne, her husband, John, and a close friend Jake.  

On Saturday we hosted a garden luncheon for 30 people in our back yard.  This was followed up with Sunday Brunch at Sam's Café in Tiburon, and the weekend finished with a surprise birthday party at Yvonne and John's house Sunday night.  Three days of festivities in all, and it couldn't have been better.

Below are some pictures of the weekend
 Garden Party Attendees
Georgia & Hugh
Georgia & Grandson, Kellen
Georgia at Sam's Café for Sunday Brunch
Sunday Night Surprise Birthday Party Guests
Georgia and her Birthday Cake

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